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GARDASIL®9 is a vaccine that helps protect against infection from 9 types of HPV that can lead to certain cancers and diseases, such as cervical cancer, anal cancer, certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts.

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A quick look at the history of GARDASIL®* and GARDASIL®9

GARDASIL®9 has been available in Canada since 2015.


GARDASIL®* authorized in Canada for the prevention of infection caused by 4 HPV types in females aged 9–26

GARDASIL®* authorized to expand its use to males aged 9–26

GARDASIL®* authorized to expand its use to females aged 27–45

GARDASIL®9 authorized in Canada, for the prevention of infection caused by 9 HPV types in females aged 9–45 and males aged 9–26

GARDASIL®9 authorized to expand its use to males aged 27–45 – so now it can be used in males and females aged 9 through 45

GARDASIL®9 authorized in Canada with conditions for the prevention of oropharyngeal and other head and neck cancers in individuals 9 through 45 years of age

How does it work?

GARDASIL®9 is typically administered in 3 doses (and sometimes 2).

You get the GARDASIL®9 vaccine by a shot, usually in your arm. It’s typically given in 3 separate doses. All 3 doses should be given within a 1-year period. For girls and boys aged 9 to 14, it may be given in 2 separate doses. Talk to your healthcare professional (such as your doctor, nurse or pharmacist) for more information.

1st DOSE

You and your healthcare provider choose a date

2nd DOSE

2 months after 1st dose (not earlier than 1 month after the 1st dose)

For girls and boys aged 9 to 14, between 5 and 13 months after 1st dose

3rd DOSE

6 months after 1st dose (not earlier than 3 months after the 2nd dose)

For girls and boys aged 9 to 14, if the 2nd dose is given earlier than 5 months after the 1st dose, a 3rd dose should always be given

Your immune system makes antibodies against the 9 HPV types in the vaccine. If you’re exposed to one of these types, the antibodies may help defend against developing an infection and related diseases. However, GARDASIL®9 may not fully protect everyone who gets it.

Getting the HPV vaccine is an important step in helping to protect yourself against 9 types of HPV and the diseases associated with them, such as cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer, anal cancer, certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. Now it’s time to start thinking about the other 2 doses!

Make sure to get the complete vaccine series: this will help you get the full benefits of GARDASIL®9.

Who should consider getting GARDASIL®9?

You can get the HPV virus at any point in your life while sexually active. GARDASIL®9 can be administered in individuals 9–45 years of age.

If you are already sexually active, or have already had an HPV infection, you could still benefit from HPV vaccination.
Though GARDASIL®9 cannot treat an existing HPV infection, you can still benefit from GARDASIL®9 even if you are already infected with one type of HPV. If that HPV type is contained in the vaccine, GARDASIL®9 will still help protect you against the other eight types.

Ready to get vaccinated?

Connect with a virtual healthcare professional now and find a vaccination site near you.

Have a question about GARDASIL®9? Check out our FAQ section.

* GARDASIL® is no longer available/marketed in Canada.

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